Monday, November 5, 2012

The Time Is Now

n. the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying.

It is 1:12AM and I am telling myself "Let's hit the bed now, let me finish this blog tomorrow. After all, there is no hurry." Well, this isn't the first time but I am hoping it is the last time I ever procrastinate.

We are all procrastinators. Sitting on that office Power Point presentation that you were supposed to have finished a week back. Or catching back to back episodes of The Mentalist when your mom had asked you to run an errand. It's endless!

I have come to realize that this has to end (influenced by a close friend who drove home the point during the course of an hour long sermon!). I am going to give in to The System. I do it now or I don't do it ever. The more I postpone things, the more lethargy I build and the more stagnant I become in life.
If you want to achieve something in life, you have to start working for it. Take the path first, as my friend said, before you think of the destination. And this is possible only when you sit your mind down (Oh the all powerful, persuasive, sweet talking, diverting mind) and say "Hey, I have had enough of your blarney and sweet enticements of laziness. Begone! My time starts now." and you just start.
It is like running the 100m sprint as soon as the gun is fired.
And there is no looking back till you have crossed the line.
Time is short.
Make the most of it.
Fire the gun.