Saturday, January 4, 2014

New year ramblings

Happy new year to everyone!
Hope everyone ushered in 2014 better than I did. A stolen bike spark plug, a flat tyre, a working day and an extended traffic jam on the way to the office is definitely not the way one would want to start a new year I'm sure. If all these doesn't test your patience, the innumerable morons driving recklessly or ridiculously will definitely do so. And don't get me started on the hilarious-to-absolute crap-to-downright-chauvinistic-and-cheap wordings behind bikes, cars and auto-rickshaws that I see everyday.
"If u r bad, then I ur dad"
"I am hot cos i fly"
"Whoz next?"
"all girls r my sisters except u"
"snake bite is better than falling in love with a girl"
"mommy told no race"
"my bike, my road.. who's father what goes?"
I could go on and this is not even a representation of even worse ones that I have seen and read which for some strange reason I'm not able to recollect at this moment. I mean seriously, where do these people come from!
I would cuss and hurl all possible expletives in my dictionary either verbally or in my own head at each one of them. But over a period of time I have learned that I just waste my energy trying to knock some sense into them ( so MANY of them, each day a new dickhead) and that the only thing that changed in these futile attempts was my blood pressure. Not that I don't lose my concentration and temper now but the rate at which I used has drastically come down. All sober, calm and rational in my thinking and actions. At least I think so till the next time I flare up! People come up with different innovative ways to ignite the short fuse connected to the head, making it erupt like a volcano.
And people includes strangers, friends and family. Like my dad who chose to fight with me for some insane reason. No amount of reasoning or calmness could cool him down and I flew into a rage as well. It became a huge mess. I haven't spoken to him since.
With my dad it seems to oscillate between 'calm and sensible' to 'absolutely absurd'. It would almost seem as if we are communicating in alien languages when on the latter end of the spectrum. Well, 'communicating' wouldn't even be the ideal way to describe it. How does one understand the thought process that runs in the background resulting in such weird outcomes? It can't be a generation gap issue. I mean it is not like we argue about technology, faded jeans, girlfriends, live-in relationships, body piercing or tattoos or anything that is remotely associated with today's generation. Yeah, I know body piercing and tattoos have existed since eons but hope you get the drift. My dad and I are somehow on the same page on such topics (well, to a large extent). But there is so much disconnect on managing expenses at home and by whom, maintaining relationships with immediate family members, marriage or the idea of it, getting tasks done at home, going to the doc etc. Seemingly harmless topics but packed to the hilt with dynamite. And once the fight or argument is over, days of cold war ensues. No word spoken. Not seeing eye to eye. I mean, it extends to do-we-even-know-each other kinda atmosphere. Ego battles.
Sheesh, someone please let me know how you handle your parents!
As if the crap one gets every now and then at office wasn't enough, you return home to get an overdose of it.
Well, hope things tidy up soon enough and it starts to become a good year. May 2014 be the happiest year to all. Till 2015 arrives :)

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