Thursday, December 27, 2012


Why is it easier to give advice but not take it? Why is it easier to preach than practice? They say walk a 1000 miles in a person's shoes to understand what that person is going through. But hey, when you can give free advice without having to do that, why would you even bother? Only when you find yourself in the same or similar situation does the gravity of it hit you. The same advice that you handed out without measure becomes infinitely tough to use on yourself. We are all hypocrites, changing our spots at our convenience. Twisting the rules to suit us. Hardly accountable, even to ourselves. Psychopaths convince themselves that their actions are justified. They believe in a lie so strongly that it becomes the truth for them. No lie detector/polygraph can detect a lie, because there isn't any when it has been made the truth.We convince ourselves of our actions in a similar fashion. Providing excuses for why something was done, even eliciting sympathy by justifying our predicament, while belittling others'. A voice within us pushing, prodding, encouraging, supporting our actions as needed.And we concede. Hypocrites, all of us.

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